Sustainable Leaders
Axios is committed to assisting clients in achieving the highest environmental and economic benefits for projects through the development, analysis, and evaluation of Green strategies for all stages of a building’s life.
LEED/Green Educational Courses
Axios provides its employees with the opportunity for education in the aspects of Green building.
Knowledgeable and Environmentally Responsible Staff
The LEED Accredited Professionals at Axios are knowledgeable about affordable products and solutions that are advantageous for the environment and beneficial for a project’s budget. The Company’s staff are actively leading efforts at job-sites and in their neighborhoods to participate in Earth Hour, a worldwide effort. Once a year, during a one-hour period, people and buildings around the world turn off all of lights to show support for energy conservation practices.
Green Building Experience
o Solar Carport Charging Station - Orlando Utilities Comm.*
Two-Bay Electric Vehicle Changing Station Carport, total of 2.8KW PV system
o LEED Gold Orlando Utilities Commission Headquarters*
$40 Million, 167, 000sf Office Building with 370-Space Parking Structure
o Colonial 9th Grade Center, Orange County Public Schools*
$18 million, 130,495sf New Construction and Renovation of first K-12 Florida project in Florida to be registered for LEED certification
* Performed work with previous employer